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Brutal Fight of Elephant vs Rhino. They are two giants of the animal kingdom, but that did not stop this male elephant and black rhino from clashing dramatically in a fearsome fight at a park in Africa.
Amateur photographer Louis Kok and his wife Marthie, captured these extraordinary photographs of the large elephant attacking the female rhino, flipping it into its back and leaving it with its legs in the air.
The couple from Pretoria, South Africa, were photographing a rhino cow and her calf when the testosterone fueled, one tusked elephant approached.
The pair were stunned to watch the peaceful scene transform into a brutal battle as the bull elephant charged at the protective rhino mother.
Mr Kok said, Male elephants on musth, fueled by exorbitant levels of testosterone, are extremely dangerous, and will attack anything which stands in their path.
Musth is a condition during which bull elephants experience a huge rise in reproductive hormones, testosterone levels can reach up to 60 times higher than normal – and this makes them extremely aggressive.
The elephant immediately toppled the rhino which landed helplessly on its back with its legs in the air, Mr Kok continued.
The elephant kept rolling the defense less rhino around in the dust, while crushing it repeatedly under its enormous weight, in a traumatizing display of speed, agility and brutal power. After the fight the rhinos calf rushed to its injured mothers side.
The calf remained in the vicinity for some time, circling her mother and attempting repeatedly to help her up, Mr Kok said.
The pair reported the incident to the management of the park, who said that the rhino did miraculously manage to get up around two hours after the attack.
The following day she was spotted about 300 metres from the scene of the fight, but unfortunately died a few days later from her injuries.

The couples were requested not to identify the park to prevent the influx of poachers into the area.

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Rhino Attacks Man
Rhino Attacks Man