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pit bull attack, Police Officer shoots aggressive pit bull to protect innocence people

Pit bulls were bred to kill other dogs, not humans — some owners will claim that the ones who attacked humans were ‘culled’ to remove this genetic deficiency. The statistics prove otherwise, but if it really matters, the so-called “[human] meat eater” fighting dogs were coveted as the best, and most successful, fighters. Regardless of […]

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Graphic Content: Nampa police release video of dogs attacking officer prior to shooting

Subscribe to RollCall2go – Daily Law Enforcement Media To assist in training, please comment on the officers actions below…. Nampa police release video (warning, graphic content) Nampa police released this video Wednesday of what happened when an officer shot and killed a pit bull/mastiff mix while trying to do a welfare check at a home […]

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pit bull attack and maul small dog, shot and killed by Police officer caught on dashcam

There are no such things as “resident” and “family” pit bulls dogs. The difference is that people with common sense keep dogs OUTSIDE, where dogs belong, and dog freaks keep them inside the house and attempt to turn them into something they’re not, i.e., they anthropomorphize dogs. Overwhelming majority of dog attacks in the US […]

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pit bull attack police officer, shot DEAD… Pit bull owners strategy: pit bull can’t be identified Studies show that pit bull owners employ strategies to disguise the true nature of the breed by engaging in distortions, denial and overcompensation and by projecting blame after attacks. Not normal dog owners To understand the experience of owning a negatively perceived dog, Tufts Center […]

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